Author Topic: Buick q-jet or edelbrock 1910  (Read 4965 times)

Offline heaterman

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Buick q-jet or edelbrock 1910
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:43:08 PM »
I am building a buick 455 to the 450-500 hp level. I have several Buick Q-jets, a 67 GS400 carb, 71 buick 455 carb and a 72 buick 455 carb (both are 800 cfm). I also have a edelbrock 1910 performer rpm carb. would i be better off selling the edelbrock and spending the money to have the Buick carb rebuilt or are there some features in the edelbrock carb that would be beneficial over the earlier carbs? I plan on having cliff go through whichever carb i use. thanks in advance, Rob

Offline omaha

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Re: Buick q-jet or edelbrock 1910
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 12:15:58 AM »
I dont think there is any "real" advantage. The eddy  q-jet carbs worked very good. Kinda rich on the idle circuit (understadably) {can be fixed}. Now if you were concerned about originality, those old buick carbs would be a great choice also (the 800 ones) they would have all the correct linkages and fuel line hookups. The fuel line on the buick carb goes straight out as opposed to the eldebrock which is patterned after a chevy carb. I've said this before; which one looks best to you? (the elde carb would have the electric choke and the adjustable APT though).

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Buick q-jet or edelbrock 1910
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 05:08:59 AM »
The Buick 455 carbs are equal from a performance standpoint to the 1910.  If you want an electric choke and can live with side fuel inlet, the 1910 is the better choice.

If you want a divorced choke, original look, etc, use the nicest of the 455 Buick carburetors.....Cliff

Offline heaterman

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Re: Buick q-jet or edelbrock 1910
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 08:46:41 PM »
ok, if i sell the edelbrock carb what would be a fair asking price? I like the Buick carbs better and would rather use one of them. I have a 67 GS400 carb but i suspect it wouldn't be suitable compared to the later carbs. i'll just have to transfer the linkage arm from a 67 carb to one of the later carbs for proper kickdown operation.  Rob