Author Topic: 7027202 inlet filter  (Read 3468 times)

Offline 70quad

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7027202 inlet filter
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:22:36 PM »
I just picked up a 7027202 Q-Jet, dated J6. It's complete except for the inlet nut. However, it has this 1/2 inch long pin inside the housing that I've never seen before. Nothing on the carb looks like it has ever been messed with. A regular type inlet nut threads in nicely, but what should it have for a nut/filter/spring etc? Any help, especially a pic or #,s would help. Sorry, but it says my pic is too large to attach.
Thanks, Dale.

Offline Ethan1

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Re: 7027202 inlet filter
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 01:00:47 PM »
I just picked up a 7027202 Q-Jet, dated J6. It's complete except for the inlet nut. However, it has this 1/2 inch long pin inside the housing that I've never seen before. Nothing on the carb looks like it has ever been messed with. A regular type inlet nut threads in nicely, but what should it have for a nut/filter/spring etc? Any help, especially a pic or #,s would help. Sorry, but it says my pic is too large to attach.
Thanks, Dale.

 Your carb would have used the older 7/8-20 fuel inlet nut, with whatever size fuel line came on that car to hookup to the fuel inlet nut. As for filter and spring, part number 7013404 for the fuel filter, which you can find pretty much anywhere. And the fuel filter spring is part number 7034356, which you can also find pretty much anywhere aftermarket.

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Offline 70quad

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Re: 7027202 inlet filter
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2016, 03:01:43 PM »
Your carb would have used the older 7/8-20 fuel inlet nut, with whatever size fuel line came on that car to hookup to the fuel inlet nut. As for filter and spring, part number 7013404 for the fuel filter, which you can find pretty much anywhere. And the fuel filter spring is part number 7034356, which you can also find pretty much anywhere aftermarket.
If that filter you referenced is a GF432, no way it will work, as the pin I mentioned is cast in the housing, & protrudes about 1/2 inch fron the back of the housing. A 7/8-20 inlet nut threads in with no filter, but a filter would have to have holes on both ends with this pin in place. Wish I could post a pic.-Dale.

Offline carmantx

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Re: 7027202 inlet filter
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2016, 04:09:10 PM »
That "pin" was there to fit inside the brass composite filter that was used.  You can either use that type of filter or grind off the pin and use the paper type filter.
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Offline Ethan1

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Re: 7027202 inlet filter
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2016, 04:18:30 PM »
If that filter you referenced is a GF432, no way it will work, as the pin I mentioned is cast in the housing, & protrudes about 1/2 inch fron the back of the housing. A 7/8-20 inlet nut threads in with no filter, but a filter would have to have holes on both ends with this pin in place. Wish I could post a pic.-Dale.

 Here is one:

1972 Chevelle


Offline 70quad

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Re: 7027202 inlet filter
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2016, 04:38:18 PM »
Thanks guys, now I see how it works. Also, my bad, I meant to say a GF427 filter, NOT a GF432. - Dale.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7027202 inlet filter
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2016, 03:39:31 AM »
Thru 1967 q-jets used the early style filter.  It requires a thin gasket to effectively seal against the filter housing.

Many early units used a filter housing with only 3-4 threads and they were NOTORIOUS for stripping out the carburetor threads.  Some are threaded deep enough to take a later filter housing.

The "post" that is cast into the carburetor aligns the filter in the center of the filter housing.  We have to break it off when installing heli-coils for stripped threads, they usually break very easily due to the age of the material.

Once the "post" is removed you can upgrade to the later short paper filter.

We sell both styles, and they come with a new spring and the gasket to seal them at the filter housing.

We also sell several different filter housings with 7/8-20 threads that offer more threads to get into the good material if the first few threads are stripped out.  They can be good repair in lieu of having a heli-coil installed for some castings, but it must be threaded deep enough to take additional threads. 

For some castings the only viable repair is going to be having a heli-coil installed.  We provide this service for $45 plus return shipping, turn around is 1-2 days.......Cliff