Author Topic: 1st post  (Read 3282 times)

Offline 1971GTO

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1st post
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:24:38 AM »

1.  In an earlier thread it was discussed using a vacuum guage to dial-in the initial idle mixture settings.  Which vacuum port is used to accomplish this please?

2.  Also, locals say the vac. modulator line from the trans. goes to a lower port, but the configuration of the metal line only leads to an upper corner port.  Is the local help mis-informed?

Got my Cliff's rebuild back few months ago.  Gonna get that Edelbrock 750 off the 455HO right soon!

Offline Schurkey

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2010, 11:21:51 PM »

1.  In an earlier thread it was discussed using a vacuum guage to dial-in the initial idle mixture settings.  Which vacuum port is used to accomplish this please?
Manifold vacuum; not ported (timed) vacuum.

2.  Also, locals say the vac. modulator line from the trans. goes to a lower port, but the configuration of the metal line only leads to an upper corner port.  Is the local help mis-informed?
Also manifold vacuum, not ported vacuum.
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