Author Topic: motorhome carb? 7045586  (Read 2634 times)

Offline omaha

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motorhome carb? 7045586
« on: March 06, 2010, 08:24:53 AM »
I have this carb that a friend wants me to rebuild. He says it came off of a low milage motorhome with a chevy engine. Number: 7045586 / also has an OC stamped next to the number / julian date 1126.
This is an pre 75 style of carb with the divorced choke. It also has the side inlet like a chevy large main airbleeds and a weird, vacuum operated step up . Its the smaller primary type also.
    So from what I can tell, the "8" in the carbnumber indicates a checker/marine. with the julian date of 1126 I'm guessing that it was a replacement.
    So to question: could this carb be original to the motorhome? were the carbs with an "8" easier to get as replacements there fore sold to motorhome manufacturers.
   Oh well, its going on his 79 Blazer. {very mild chev 350} Need to order a kit. (he's concerned about fuel mileage, engine has an eldebrock on it now).

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: motorhome carb? 7045586
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 07:53:12 PM »
I can research the number tomorrow when I get to the shop.  We will have a kit for it, probably a 75-77 style HD truck unit, divorced choke.....Cliff