Author Topic: 7043251 Nozzle Drip  (Read 2450 times)

Offline joeq

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7043251 Nozzle Drip
« on: August 04, 2016, 03:35:51 PM »
Had to rebuild 2 of these early 70s Olds 350 carbs, because the 1st one refused to stop idling on the mains. Timing was correct, and the motor I was using as a test bed, runs many QJs successfully. Set the primaries so the part throttle slot positioning was correct, tried re-adjusting the mixture screws in and out,  and after many times with the airhorn removed for tinkering, decided to rebuild another core, which was successful. When installing the 1st baseplate, to the second carb that ran fine, the drip came back, so I don't know what to look for in that. Both carbs have the small holes drilled into the primary butterflies, and I know some people like this to be able to close down the mechanical idle, but on a few applications, I can't make this cure nozzle drip. I think it just aggravates the problem by sending air through the venturies at idle. Any opinions?
Pontiac Enthusiast

Offline carmantx

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Re: 7043251 Nozzle Drip
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2016, 07:41:27 PM »
Tell us about your engine build, cam specs, compression, etc.
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Offline qjetsrule

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Re: 7043251 Nozzle Drip
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 11:29:38 AM »
Is there a way to check fuel pressure, not all pumps put out the same pressure. Lowering the float level may help. Good luck.

Offline joeq

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Re: 7043251 Nozzle Drip
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2016, 04:54:05 PM »
Sorry for the delay, men. I guess we don't have the option for Email notifications here.
My test stand isn't an engine build, just an old 350 Pontiac motor. It's  mid 70s, bone stock, with high mileage, but works fine to do rough testing of components. I'll show you a picture so you can have a good chuckle. It's nothing more than left over yard waste, and someday, (LOL) I'm hoping to beautify it. Not on the priority list tho, I'm sorry to say.
 the tow dolly came from work, and was used to trailer around flight line equipment. i acquired it, and chopped it, so an extra 71 FB subframe I also had kicking around, drops on for a nice fit. The motor sits on the crossmember, and is supported at the rear, by an M/T TH350 case. I'll be using this set-up for testing transmissions too.

Like I said, it ain't pretty, but it works.
 To get back to the carb, the advice for checking the fuel pressure, and dropping the float, I've already addressed, and hasn't helped. I recently did a 7057266 QJ, and it works fine. Also the 2nd 7043251 works W/O issue, but when I re-tried the 1st baseplate, the drip returned, as I previously mention. It wasn't as bad, and only on the drivers side and was cured by backing out the mixture about 5 turns, which seemed a little rich. when trying to lean out that side to 3 1/2-4 turns, the drip would return. But re-installing the 2nd baseplate, the idle circuit was able to tune W/O any drips. Thanks for your time.
Pontiac Enthusiast