Author Topic: 68 Qjet Idle solenoid connection  (Read 1756 times)

Offline pushrod

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68 Qjet Idle solenoid connection
« on: August 14, 2016, 07:26:15 PM »
To make a long story short... I robbed a Cliff built, 68HO Qjet off my 68 Fbird and put it on a just bought 79 TA 400 while I wait for it's carb to be built by em. Issue is - when the AC is on the engine slowly dies out at idle unless you bring the r's up on your own. Soooo...  I have a new idle solenoid on the way and the org. 68 bracket to mount it.  But, I'd like to clean up the connection at the solenoid with an org. look. So my question is... Does anyone make a harness to connect  an original boot connector to the solenoid?