I think my decisions were bad because they ended up not working!
I can't get it to idle well. Car is not a driver so can't answer beyond that. It revs up and runs smoother when I open the throttle, but that doesn't tell me anything.
Immediate problem is the idle.
After putting it together yesterday, it ran OK when I first fired it up with choke closed. Here's a video:
https://1drv.ms/v/s!AiIRc33Ia4jVg-cGVFINy01y57Ju6AAfter warming, I had to open the primary blades to keep it running. I can see gas coming out of the upper nozzles, which tells me I have too much air down the venturis to be running off the idle system.
I tried opening the needles and closing the blades, but could not get it to idle without the "drip".
I put my hand over the air horn and it picks up rpm, sounds smoother. To me, this means it wants more fuel from the idle system.
I checked the timing, set it at 9 degrees. Starts OK there. Vac advance added quite a bit.. I'm guessing is at 20+ degrees at ~700 rpm, but won't idle with or without that advance. Manifold vacuum was pretty high, maybe 18", but erratic as the idle was rough.
I turned the needles all the way in and it stumbles bad, so I'm sure it's getting some fuel through the needles. It just doesn't get a lot better when I open them. I can open them almost until they fall out and it doesn't pick up rpm.
Here's a video showing as good as I could get from the nozzles when its warm. You can tell its running rough and see the gas coming out the nozzle:
https://1drv.ms/v/s!AiIRc33Ia4jVg-cAG6wC0BqD7M3yNAIf I'm reading this right, what changes are likely to fix this?
More information on my PY Forum thread, including some tuning suggestions by Kenth. Thread is here:
http://forums.maxperformanceinc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=818909Carb does have APT, but I don't have any dialed in. I'll try using it to raise the rods and see if that has an effect. Maybe I'm just starving the idle system at the jets by not having any
APT dialed in? This doesn't make sense to me, given the drip from the primaries..