If I am getting an initial lean bog with a transition from cruise to WOT, how do I determine if its the air door spring being too loose or the choke pull off relaxing too fast? When I floor the pedal I get a bog, my AF meter goes lean briefly then power comes back nice until redline.
Am I correct in understanding that the pull off just prevents that initial "hit" of vacuum from prematurely opening the air doors? I drilled out my pulloff orifice to use a restriction in the vacuum line. The orifice I drilled in a plastic plug is .019 and it seems to take about 2 seconds to go to full extension.
It sure seems to me like the doors are flopping open causing the bog and when the vacuum above the throttle plates equalizes the doors go back in proper position and open nicely the rest of the ride.
I can try a smaller restriction but will need a microscope to drill it.

Is there a strategy to dial in one setting by itself then the other?