Working on dialing in the carb.
Specs: Olds 425, vintage 1965, 10:1 compression. Erson cam, 110+4 LSA, .5355 lift (.504 at the cam plus 1.7 Harland Sharp rockers), 284/284 duration. Pertronix Ignitor III, Performer manifold, dual exhaust. 5 degrees initial timing, 40 degrees total, manifold vacuum to distributor.
Rebuilt carb according to Cliff's specs. Opened up the idle tubes, the idle ports, clipped a coil off the idle screws.
It runs well after break-in and tweaking, although it sounds like a sewing machine. Might need to adjust the rockers. They're quiet at idle, noisy going down the road - but I've never had full roller rockers before, so don't really know how noisy is "noisy".
Can't get the idle to smooth out perfectly, lean at all idle mixture settings. Screws are out seven turns. Can't find any vacuum leaks - tested all hoses, sprayed manifold, carb base, throttle shafts, etc. No more than a mild smoothing anywhere, roughly equal to covering the mouth of the carb. Idles now at 700 rpm, 17 inches of vacuum, but covering the mouth of the carb results in gaining an inch of vacuum and 100-200 rpm. I went through a number of combinations for timing, vacuum advance, vacuum hose positions, etc, and this seems to be the best combination - but the lean condition at idle was a constant condition. Covering the mouth of the carb to improve the mixture and then spraying for vacuum leaks basically didn't change idle, so I can't believe there are any significant leaks anywhere.
It seems like it just wants more fuel at idle, but I'm not sure what my best approach is.