Author Topic: Carburetor Rebuilding  (Read 2384 times)

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Carburetor Rebuilding
« on: July 10, 2019, 05:27:28 AM »
As of this time I am not taking in any more carburetors for rebuilding or restoration. 

Since I'm down to one employee (me) there is just too much work to do daily and my backlog is out close to a year.

I'm going to finish up what is here now them start taking in a few jobs here and there.  If you carb is already here I'll get to it.  Probably going to be longer than we first told you since all my hired help has moved on. 

If you get in a jam and need your carb call or send an email.  If I just can't fit it in I'll ship it back to you or on to someone else if you find a source to get it done sooner.......Cliff

Offline qjetsrule

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2019, 02:34:24 AM »
Cliff, is it too expensive for a small business to hire employees these days or is there just a lack of people wanting to do this type of work? I'm kinda interested if this is a trend. I talked to an older CNC operator recently and he said younger workers don't want to do this type of work especially on older machines. I'm not slamming anyone, just wondering if trade jobs are fading.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2019, 03:16:49 AM »
This "new" generation isn't motivated to work hard and reap the benefits.  Being self employed removes the limitations of your income, but it requires dedication, commitment and you've got to get work done to make money.

This means that if you have to glance at your cell phone every 45 seconds or so, and take multiple breaks throughout the day to find out who had a fart sideways on Facebook or Twitter, or respond to all the text messages from your friends and family, then you aren't going to make it being self-employed.

Cell phones and social media have really changed the game.  The other problem is how the Govt has structured taxes and other cost associated with a small business when it comes to having employees.

It takes a LOT of time to do payroll, so time spent there isn't making you any money.  Costs are ridiculously high for payroll hours and folks expect to make a pretty high hourly rate even though they lack the skills required to turn out enough work to pay themselves and the company they work for. 

Having employees also brings with it a host of headaches for the business owner, from them making mistakes that cost you money, having personal or family issues to deal with digging into company time, etc.

I'm too old and too grumpy to deal with all of that so going to be a one-man-show from here on out.  I have also noticed that even though I'm turning out less work, my bottom line numbers are as good as or better than when I had a bunch of help.   So less headaches and making just as much money to keep the wife happy!.......Cliff

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2019, 03:36:00 AM »
I'll also add here that social media adds another dimension to being self employed and running a business.  Probably not surprising to most but a lot of folks these days "manage" their lives thru the cell phones.

Case in point.  In the last couple of years calls to the shop from customers with carburetors here for rebuilding/restoration is off the scale.  I also get ten to fifteen times as many emails from folks checking status on things.  So if you have 150 carbs sitting here, for example, plan on spending several hours a week dealing will all that. 

Another recent problem related to that deal is when a shipping service drops off a package I barely get it set down on the shipping table and the shop phone will ring.  The caller will ask me if the package made it....well....yes you know it's here because you tracked it's progress on your cell phone.  Then they will ask how it looks, and when you plan on getting to it.

OK, that's not a big deal but IF I provide an estimated turn around time, like 3 months, count on a phone call on the 91st day checking status on it, then getting a reminder that "you said it would be done in 3 months".  Now things are already going to chit with that job because you didn't make a deadline.

A new and more recent issue is parts sales from the website.  Our website isn't set up to automatically send you an email confirmation with a tracking number for the package.  We're still "old school" and make up our own labels after weighing the shipment, type up a sales receipt, etc.  Well I'm starting to catch some flack about that deal.  I guess folks are so used to Amazon and other large vendors sending them tracking numbers when they make a purchase that they expect it from everyone.  At least twice now in the last month I've had my phone and email light up from customers complaining about not knowing if they package had shipped out yet, but they only placed the order a few hours earlier.  So another problem to sort out to keep everyone happy.

So I'm done with all the drama of having a full time shop with hired help, and will be glad when the last carb rolls out of here.  Then it will be no employees, no commitments for turn-around times, and going to pick and choose what I want to do. 

I doubt if I'll sell the business as I can't imagine there is anyone out there that wants to work this hard, even though they will as much or more money in one day as them make in an entire week at their current job, because you will have to get up early every day and hit the ground running, and stay right on it for at least 8-10 hours or you woln't get anything done or take in any money.

Anyhow, enough bellyaching, I'm actually very happy about all of it and looking forward to retirement in the next few years.......Cliff

Offline qjetsrule

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2019, 01:54:03 AM »
Cliff, thanks for the insight into what goes on for a small business owner. I too feel out of touch with the cellphone generation. Just wasn't brought up that way. I see a decline in all small craftsman businesses on the horizon.

Offline Ethan1

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2019, 04:50:55 AM »
 I agree with today's generation on cell phones and social media. I'm young though. 30. So, I may be contradicting myself which I don't care. Hell, women are just as bad on cell phones despite age. Cliff, what do you pay hourly? I dont have much experience with machines, but have a lot with building carbs. I currently work in a factory. I'm never on my cell phone. Usually dont take breaks or a lunch. If ya need help, let me lend a hand? If you could use someone with lack of experience in certain areas. I live in Ohio as well, but cannot drive. I know that's an issue as well. Just let me know if you are willing to have a hard worker with you with no bull crap. Take care, Ethan

1972 Chevelle


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2019, 07:45:33 AM »
Thanks for the offer Ethan but I'm going to keep downsizing and shift over to mostly parts sales.

I will sell the business however, with a non-compete clause, and 30 days training.  It will come with all the inventory and website.

It's a great opportunity for the right person, but you've got to be highly motivated.  I don't think being highly skilled is a big deal, I've had several women work for me over the years that came here not even knowing what a carburetor was, and they did fine.

So if there is anyone out there that's tired of the grind of doing the same thing and want to make more money in a day than you make in a week, give me a call.......Cliff

Offline 429bbf

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2019, 08:35:38 PM »
cliff sorry to here that but i know exactly what your talking about. I've been a heavy equipment mechanic for 40 years. out of bed every morning at 4.30 and home at 8pm .work every day and enjoy it . not all the young ones are bad . i have 3 guys that work with me age 25 to 36 and id take them over most anybody .when crap hit the fan these boys will pick it up but I'm right beside them all the time .the hours that some people spend on social media if they got a dollar an hour would be millionaires. and there always bitchen they don't have any money.heck i still write checks and walk into the bank on saturday's they tell me to get with the times and i tell them where to go.sorry for the crap just wanted to add my 2 cents.fwiw

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Carburetor Rebuilding
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2019, 02:44:57 AM »
.the hours that some people spend on social media if they got a dollar an hour would be millionaires.


I don't get that deal, but nearly EVERYONE you see these days will have a cell phone in their face 24/7.  I hardly use mine at all, and don't "connect" with anyone on Facebook or anywhere else.

My heavy workload isn't the reason, I just don't have the want or need to know when someone I know changes their underwear, or when they got a fart sideways, etc.......Cliff