Not really much difference between a Jet carb and any other commercially "remanufactured" unit.
Generic in every respect and if you start looking close you'll find multiple issues with them and crappy parts used to build them.
The secondary disks looked pretty large from what I can see in the pics, which is never a good thing......Cliff
Agreed! I've acquired a couple of these Jet carbs and they have all had multiple issues. They tout themselves as "the highest quality". They are not. Maybe they were good at some point but they certainly aren't anymore. I've also called their tech department and the "quality" there is on par with the quality of their rebuilds.
That said, I ended up with a Jet rebuild with the same problem you have (hopelessly rich secondary circuit) and the culprit was a enlarged (mangled) secondary disc as Cliff pointed out. Actually, on mine, it was just one of the discs that was damaged. But the diameter of the opening in those discs needs to be exact for the secondary circuit to transition properly. I replaced the damaged secondary disc with a new one and problem solved.
FWIW I've been able to salvage the sh1tty Jet rebuilds that I've acquired but it's always required complete teardown and retuning. I haven't had to deal with a cracked baseplate though...