Not sure why your LIAB's are .087". That is HUGE and will cause a pretty big leak-path and reduce "pull" on the DCRs's, idle tubes,etc. Then you have two pairs of upper IAB's?
That will require a big idle tubes and DCR's, and probably not the best set up for the little 6 cylinder engine.
You only need one pair of upper IAB's. I'd rather see the LIAB's reduced to .070", block off the UIAB's in the main casting, and open up the UIAB's in the airhorn to .040".
Then you can use small idle tubes, and much smaller DCR's and bring in PLENTY of fuel at idle and to the transfer slots for improved off idle transition.
A few Q-jets were used on smaller CID engines, specifically the Pontiac OHC in line 6's from the 1960's. Those carbs have very small idle tubes, DCR's, and tiny IAB's. They work quite well on those engines and I'm sure the factory used the smaller specs for a reason.......Cliff