Author Topic: Diagram of a Rochester...  (Read 3216 times)

Offline Grizlam

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Diagram of a Rochester...
« on: September 04, 2010, 01:37:42 PM » there any one who has a diagram of a (17057258) Rochester Carb?  I had one rebuilt at a supposed

'good' carb shop (4 page article in Car Craft.)  It run good for a day or so and now it wont even start.  The

last time I tried to start it a puff of smoke burped out of the top of the carb.  Am I going to need a rebuild kit

or would have anything been damaged?  I was tinkering with it this morning and noticed when I push the

throttle lever, gas seems to be leaking from some where in that area.  I also noticed that the Air Horn

gasket and throttle body gasket are soaked with gas...normal or not normal? 

I am a total rookie  working on carbs, so I was wondering if there are any GOOD diagrams of rochesters

out there?   I've read posts about checking float levels or checking the needle and seat, but I have no

idea what or where these components are located.     :-[

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Diagram of a Rochester...
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 05:59:22 AM »
Our book covers complete/correct rebuilding, and tells you how they work as well.

More than likely the ethanol has comprimised one or more of the internal components.  Common problem as much of the "Viton" in currently available parts is NOT holding up well to this new fuel.

We have upgraded parts that will.....Cliff

Offline Grizlam

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Re: Diagram of a Rochester...
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2010, 09:33:57 AM »
Thanks Cliff....I'll check out the book and go from there....THANKS!