You can take nearly any Q-jet and put any calibration in it so it will work where it ends up. So you didn't take me "out of context".
Even with that said when selecting a carb it's bet to look at all the parameters and choose one that fits your needs with less "cobbling" to get it in place.
You chose a front fuel inlet, not really a big deal there but you get a LOT more clearance toward the thermostat housing with a side inlet model. The linkage on the big Buick carb is "goofy", and no provision to hook up a return spring rear of the carb.
The choke just doesn't work at all with a Chevy intake without some help or replacing it with a Chevy version.
Tomco like all the other companies that "remanufactured" Q-jets had a bad habit of mixing/matching components, "gutting" the original calibrations out of them, then installing "generic" calibrations and cheap parts. You will also find that many of them received the POS pressed-in N/S assemblies which are HOPELESS and leave the carb nothing put a pile of junk.
At a minimum decide if you can work with the linkage and choke parts before throwing a lot of time/funds at it.
There are literally millions of good cores still out there and easy to obtain at relatively low prices.
I use and prefer the 1976 and later non-CCC side inlet carbs (hot air or electric choke) for what you are doing. They Chevy versions will be side inlet, PLENTY of places to hook up linkage, return springs, convert easily to E-choke, and fully adjustable via the APT system without having to remove the airhorn and change parts.
IF you are wanting to use th early stock intake then go after a 1969 or newer Chevy divorced choke carb instead, preferably 1972-1977. They are EXCELLENT units as well, and have the correct choke set-up already on them.
I actually have scores of them here in the core pile. My personal favorites in the bunch are the 1977-78 truck units with the SMAB set-up. They are at the top of the pile for Chevy divorced choke models but even with that said the four MAB style will work just fine if that's what you end up with........Cliff