ooof, I`m sick to my stomach now, wish I had found this forum and your book a lot earlier. I spent a good part of the day bouncing around in here reading peoples threads... Def a kick azz take no prisoners forum with fantastic information.
you and Kenth are correct, this looks more like a franken carb every second. I knew when I took it out of the box and the dog leg vent tube was loose, and it did not resemble what I had returned as a core, it was iffy. looks like they used a different main body, but without the provisions for . egr, timing, etc, they used a Mercruiser style throttle base plate, and the top piece is secured with more torx style screws than the slotted that was on the original 17080565 divorced choke variety.
I asked for an electric choke model, and they built one. It does have the Merc style throttle lever base plate, but according to the numbers on the reman body it appears to be a M4ME. from what I can pull from an earlier picture in my file > 17085220, the 7th digit may be incorrect.
just for the purpose of this thread I will take some new pictures of the carb on the boat to show ya`ll whats there.
I am more curious as to why I "thought' I saw the bump indicting it was a large bore casting.

lets go back to the repowering the boat for a second. The Seller Lied! no surprise there, the engine was toast despite it ran, I don`t want to waste your time in how I discover automotive gaskets that rotted and caused leaks instead of using Marine gaskets, that`s a good beer story...
The cast iron intake was degraded enough in the thermostat area, I wanted to shed some weight and opted for a weiand dual plane. The Rochester that came with the boat had the very good possibility is was original equipment being only 105hrs on the hr meter for a 1994 boat. At that time I did not want to run it, it was divorced choke and I preferred the electric on the Holley. So I bought a Holley 650 cfm vacuum secondary, the phenolic 1 inch spacer, fabricated the correct length studs and bolted it down. The Holley peformed as expected.
now you say you don`t care for Holleys, I`ve had my bouts with them but for the most part they were ok. the last run on the boat with the Holley had a weird throttle delay when pushed to the point of engaging the secondarys, then throttle creep with the stick in the same position. What I found was a loose enough vacuum secondary housing to cause a small leak and the delay in response, and no doubt earlier closing than what should have been. the electric choke housing was also loose. and I`m like wtf??? So I had this Rochester sitting right here and installed it and ran the boat, and here we are...
BTW, I did not go mazzo on the last ride bc the Misses was onboard, seas were rough and I want to eat if ya know what I mean... so I did not push the boat for max R`s this last time...
with all the changes to the Rochester over the years, I didnt think it was possible to meatball a carb from a bucket of parts and sell t as reman... silly me... its always the honest guy that gets burnt... live and learn...