Author Topic: 7042264 and 3264 Bowl the Same?  (Read 2123 times)

Offline Ponchojoe

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7042264 and 3264 Bowl the Same?
« on: February 20, 2022, 09:02:37 AM »
Hey there, I have a buddy that cracked the fuel inlet on the bowl of his 7042264. I have a 3264 in my stash, is it the same and can be used with his air horn and throttle plate?

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 7042264 and 3264 Bowl the Same?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2022, 05:26:39 AM »
The main castings will physically interchange however the 1973 is a "hot-air" model and the 1972 is "divorced choke".  So there are differences in the castings, vacuum supply to the choke housing, mounting pad and tapped holes for the choke pull-off bracket, etc.

I would recommend locating a 1971-72 Pontiac main castings instead as they are a direct swap......Cliff