Author Topic: 17057204 questions  (Read 2172 times)

Offline Mr Hand

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17057204 questions
« on: April 09, 2022, 10:38:28 AM »
Have a 17057204 on top of a stockish 350 sbc. Just has headers and a free flowing exhaust, four speed car too.

Currently has 76 jets, 52K rods and CH secondary rods.

Other than running pig rich it performs ok although I have not really done any full throttle blasts.
I attribute some of the richness to the idle mix screws being cranked out maybe to compensate for a very worn throttle shaft causing a big vacuum leak. Engine is a bit tired but still pulls 19" of vacuum.

I am rebushing the base plate to fix the vacuum leak issue but what other things need to be done to this stock carb before going back together?

Is the 52/76 jet/rod combo ok to use as is? I have a new pair of 78 jets but I am thinking that may be too rich? I have the APT plug tapped out to do some fine tuning later but I am curious what else I should do while it's apart.

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: 17057204 questions
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2022, 12:58:53 PM »
Nice unit but pretty lean in stock form, not rich.  Sucking air around the throttle shaft would only make is leaner and smell more in the exhaust, not rich.

I would NOT install larger jets, instead I'd recommend using my full tapered 45 primary rods and smaller jets, plus one of my rebuild kits with a high flow N/S assembly and lifetime warranty accl pump.  It will enjoy opening up the idle system just a tad even for a stock engine build.

When you get time call me at the shop, I'm here 7am-4pm, Monday thru Thursday EST.....tks.....Cliff