Author Topic: Quadrajet parts and service done  (Read 3666 times)

Offline Mr.Pontiac

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Quadrajet parts and service done
« on: January 02, 2009, 10:15:58 AM »
 I do my own plating on lingage and currantly setting for the the main castings, i carry some parts and lingage and help saving you time searching thru salvage yards looking for that small pice you may need.
Currantly plating 10 sec. rod hangers in the process and throttle lingage, if i can help you out or share in any knowledge drop me a e-mail anytime, im just a small e-t racer local town, recantly got a new torque Convertor off Cliff,s, cannot wait to try it out!! Once again if i can help you out anyway please drop me a e-mail anytime!!