Author Topic: Best Divorced Electric Choke?  (Read 1804 times)

Offline BruCru2

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Best Divorced Electric Choke?
« on: June 13, 2023, 08:27:54 AM »
A few years ago I put some aftermarket electric chokes on my boat's two divorced choke Qjets.  They worked good for a while but have since failed.  Are there any good quality aftermarket electric chokes for divorced choke Qjets?

BTW, while googling electric chokes for Qjets I found out that the Chinese are now making Qjet knockoffs.  Is nothing sacred?

Offline 77cruiser

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Offline BruCru2

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Re: Best Divorced Electric Choke?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2023, 06:20:26 AM »
Thanks 77Cruiser,
These are the same ones I have on the engines now.  I was hoping there was something better out there.

Since it is pretty warm outside, I think I'll see how the carbs work without any choke.  The choke on my port engine  has been dead for some time now.  I have no trouble starting that engine.  Maybe I don't need them.
Thanks again.

Offline Qball

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Re: Best Divorced Electric Choke?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2023, 08:12:27 AM »
I wanted to chime in here.  I have a 67 GTO with a 68 Q-jet on top.  It's a divorced choke.  I'm running 6X heads as the 400 has been stroked to 461.  The exhaust crossovers have been filled.

I was looking for an electric choke conversion but just wasn't thrilled with what was out there. 

So, I tried something a bit different. 

I found on Amazon, some heating film that happens to be the same size of the choke stove base.  I fastened the film to the manifold base and secured the choke stove on top of it.  I wired the film into the wiper circuit.  The film heats up to about 400* F and it causes the bimetal strip to open the choke fully in about 5-6 minutes.

Here's a link to the proof of concept video.

Anyway, hope this helps.