Author Topic: Accellerator Pump Seals  (Read 278 times)

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Accellerator Pump Seals
« on: February 14, 2025, 04:17:15 AM »
I'm going to cover this on here and hopefully it will save me from getting so many emails and phone calls to the shop.

Currently nearly ALL rebuild kits and supplied by Walker Products.  Their "blue" accl pump seal is dubbed ethanol resistant.  It is a "soft" blue seal and swells up quickly in contact with any of this new fuel, so the failure rate is high.

Since Walker supplies nearly all of the kits and accl pumps currently being sold not a day goes by I don't get a call or email to the shop from someone having issues after rebuilding their carburetor with one of their kits.

Folks, my accl pump seal is NOT THE SAME as you will find in any other kit.  It is the ONLY seal out there with a lifetime warranty in any fuel. 

I am constantly bombarded with calls from folks who are having carburetor issues after installing the soft blue accl pump seals from other kits.  Just yesterday I took three calls to the shop about this and had to spend a lot of time explaining to these folks that the acll pump they just installed was failing and causing ALL of their issues. 

These issues included difficult cold starts after sitting.  Hesitation/stumble/bog with quick throttle movements or going quickly to full throttle.  ALL of these folks were convinced by poorly informed Internet sources that the bottom plugs were leaking in there carburetor and the main reason why they had difficult cold start issues. 

This POOR information quickly leads folks down the "rabbit hole" of drilling out bottom plugs that weren't leaking in the first place and/or trying all sorts of useless repairs to a problem that never existed in the first place.

So bottom line here is that IF you want the best and most complete Quadrajet rebuild kit in this industry, and one that comes with an accelerator pump with a lifetime warranty I have them. 

Ordering is easy, you can order directly off the website, or call the shop.  I'm here 7am-4pm M-F EST.  Call volume is heavy, so if I don't answer leave a good number and I'll call you back...tks...Cliff

PS:  below is a pic taken of a NAPA seal, Walker blue seal and my seal after soaking for about an hour in E-10 Premium pump fuel.  My seal is on the right.