Author Topic: I just now noticed the SR kits. What a bargain!!  (Read 2593 times)

Offline omaha

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I just now noticed the SR kits. What a bargain!!
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:11:18 AM »
Hey Cliff, I just now noticed the SR kits on the site.  I don't know why  but I was thinking that a person wouldn't be getting much for the $30 bucks. I was wrong !! A new, up to date, accell.- pump AND a new float, plus the high quality gaskets. Wow, what a deal!! Now there is NO reason to buy one of those kits from the big chain stores. They cost almost as much and you don't even get the float. On top of that, you get the crappy quality and no alchohol-resistant parts. I got a couple of carbs that don't need much work and this is the perfect thing for them. I don't know how you can do this for the price. Oh well, keep up the good work. 

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: I just now noticed the SR kits. What a bargain!!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 06:49:45 PM »
Thanks.  We started offering the SR kits as an option to the HP kits.  They contain more parts and higher quality parts than you will find in over the counter kits.

We include the high flow needle seat assembly in the SR kits, but will substitute any size fuel inlet seat per request at no charge.

So you can still get a .145 or .149" seat (for example) with an SR kit.

What you don't get with SR kits is the secondary cam/spring, fastener set, idle tubes, power piston springs, and the idle mixture screws/springs.

Both kits contain a new collar/retainer for the power piston, which is a very nice part to have during any q-jet rebuild.....Cliff