Author Topic: Convert from divorced to Electric choke?  (Read 9787 times)

Offline ponchoguy

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Convert from divorced to Electric choke?
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:12:13 PM »
Is it possible to convert a late 60's -early 70's divorced-choke Q-jet to the integral electric choke setup?

Offline omaha

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Re: Convert from divorced to Electric choke?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2010, 11:27:58 PM »
It might be possible but for all practical purposes I would have to say NO. the mounting pedastals are at a different height and the fast idle linkage is not compatible from old to new. then there is the issue of mounting the choke pulloff among other things. Just go without a choke. I dont use one out here in nebraska. I dont like them cause they put excessive raw fuel into the motor which has a tendency to wear the motor due to oil washing off the cylinders (especially if the choke is not adjusted correctly).
I did not have one on my pontiac and it started just fine all the way down to 10 degrees F. JMHO

Offline Schurkey

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Re: Convert from divorced to Electric choke?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2010, 10:15:39 AM »
Is it possible to convert a late 60's -early 70's divorced-choke Q-jet to the integral electric choke setup?
As said, INTEGRAL is difficult-to-impossible.

Divorced electric "Conversion" chokes are available from

(bottom of web page)

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 10:17:58 AM by Schurkey »
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Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Convert from divorced to Electric choke?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2011, 06:25:48 AM »
It can be done, but really not worth the effort.

You will need all the donor parts from 1970-74 Old's carb, or 73-74 Pontiac carb.  These models are the early design with the Hot Air chokes so the parts will fit the early divorced choke models with some effort.

The main casting will need drilled/tapped for the choke pull-off bracket. 

It also helps to flatted that area of the carb so the bracket seats against the casting when the screws are tightened up.

By the time you are done modifying an old divorced choke carburetor, the time/funds would have been better spent building a 75 or newer "hot-air" choke carburetor and converting it to an electric choke. 

The end result is a better unit all the way around.....Cliff