What about the differences between a race carb and a street carb (rather bad or good),
the Q-jet is great and I amazed to hear that they can be customized to 890 cfm!.
I sure do agree the Q-jet can work great as a race carb and often beats
other brands on the track, I have seen the reports. It just seems to me
that the race carb does have improvements for all out performance, like
deleted choke, larger fuel bowl, better air flow.
But a race carb does have less parts & a far
more simple design, and is not built with idle quality in mind.
A Q-jet does have a lot going on as far as parts and
different tunning points for good idle and power, and can be tweaked
in many ways way beyond a race carb so you can idle real smooth.
Also a race carbs design focus is more on getting the most air and fuel
as fast as possible to the hungry race engines that have wild cams and lopy idles
& dont use parts for low rpm operation like a standard street carb with choke towers.
The Q-jet is very powerful I have experienced its performance in my cars, on my 1972 caprice 454, my 1981 corvette 350, & my 1970 toronado 455. i just like the race carbs because of there innovation and
track results not that there the best, but they have there place.