Author Topic: Will this Q-Jet Be Good For Performance Rebuild?  (Read 4424 times)

Offline rr67gto

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Will this Q-Jet Be Good For Performance Rebuild?
« on: March 10, 2011, 06:44:31 PM »
Greetings, I need to build a better Q-Jet for my 67 GTO.  Engine is now 462 Cid, roller cam 236-244, and ported heads.  The stock 67 Q-Jet just seems to not be able to run well no matter how it's adjusted.  So, I found a nice Q-Jet core.  Number 17056274.  0436, AFO.   I was considering it for a complete upgrade kit.  But, this later carb has so much extra stuff on it.  It also has a large fitting on the top front that is for a hose.  I would like to make the new carb look as close to an early one as I can.  I'm not sure if this is a good core or not.  And, what about the large fitting that stick up in the front? I doubt it would allow me to use the normal air cleaner.  Thanks for any information, and good day. Mike   

Offline omaha

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Re: Will this Q-Jet Be Good For Performance Rebuild?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2011, 09:59:35 PM »
that is a pontiac carb for 1976, on a 400 engine. Yes it is the "newer" style of Q -jet.  I believe the tube protruding up at the front is a vent that is designed for a pontiac air cleaner of the similar era. I dont know why pontiac did this but the vent went up into the air cleaner through a grommet installed into the air cleaner housing itself. No hose is attached. The tube protruded straight up into the base of the aircleaner housing. Not a really big deal really. You probably could make it work on an old style of air cleaner with a bit of fab work, OR, jus find a mid/late 70's pontiac air cleaner housing. Other earlier pontiac carbs did not have this, their vent was on the inside of the circle around the throut opening.
    Other than that, this would make a very good core. No it will not look like an early carb be cause it is the Modified type of Q-jet. However, from a performance standpoint, this carb has some very good features compared to the older style. Most importantly is what condition is it in? this may be more important of a question. The older cores are more likely to be in worse condition if you can find them at all. Other hose inlets can be plugged and various things can be eliminated to clean up the looks if thats what you are after. Good luck, enjoy!

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Will this Q-Jet Be Good For Performance Rebuild?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2011, 03:53:59 AM »
I use the same carb (17057274) on my 455.  To date it has outran, dyno and at the track every Holley and Demon we've tested against it. 

EXCELLENT starting point for a nice carb for your application.

When you get time, call me at the shop and we'll get exactly what you need to set it up...thanks....Cliff

Offline rr67gto

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Re: Will this Q-Jet Be Good For Performance Rebuild?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2011, 06:58:57 PM »
Thank you everyone.  Cliff, I tried calling twice on Friday but kept getting a no service and said try dialing again.   Anyway, Derek Stewert, is going to be in touch with you about the parts needed for the carb.  Other then trying to find a way to lower that vent in the top front to use my 67 GTO air cleaner on.  It should work out well.  Thanks again everyone for the great information.  Mike in Oregon

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Will this Q-Jet Be Good For Performance Rebuild?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 04:15:21 AM »
The vent should not be lowered.  A hole is required in the air cleaner base so it vents inside the air filter area....Cliff