Author Topic: Q-jet the good, & bad.  (Read 3256 times)

Offline Toronado

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Q-jet the good, & bad.
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:29:48 AM »
Good :) I have all ways been amazed by the power output of the Q-jet,
the best thing I like is the response and smooth power curve,
& of course when one learns how the easy & wide range of tune-ability,
and when running good my Q-jets idle very smooth & steady.

Bad >:( The things I grown to dislike about the old and abused Qjet, many have no threads
left in the fuel inlets, plenty have warped air horns, & main body. Its the owner
that causes the damage but, its still a pain to fix, if the front mounting bolts could be at the base plate
it would be much better ha ha. But once the problems are found & fixed they can run like new!

Just fixed my very leaky fuel inlet with hela coil now no more fuel
on my intake, and I have been getting ready to fix the slight warp on my air horn,
& hoping the gasket I ordered will work, if I'm lucky.