Author Topic: idle tube removal  (Read 3633 times)

Offline JoeMo

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idle tube removal
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:48:41 PM »
I'm rebuilding a qjet for my motorhome and haven't had any success in removing both idle tubes.  I have Cliff's book and tried the sheetrock screw idea along with some heat.  I've soaked it with wd40 but still no good.  Do they really have to be removed or can I just prove that they're clear?  I have tapped the inner tubes down and I'm concerned maybe too much.  Any other ideas or suggestions would be great.  I didn't measure the inner tube's depth below the outer tube but am wondering if I'm overthinking it and as long as the tubes are clear, I'm OK.  Thanks for any help, Joe

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: idle tube removal
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 03:12:14 AM »
It's extremely rare to find a set that woln't pull out once you are well engaged with them and added some heat.

I can only remember a couple that I had to drill out.  Not a big deal since our HP kits come with new ones, and we have new ones available. 

We also sell screw in idle tubes in case the casting gets damaged from idle tube removal, or if the tuner wants to be able to remove them easily......Cliff

Offline Mr.Pontiac

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Re: idle tube removal
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2011, 06:57:52 PM »
May i suggest something, im no expert or claim to be but all 40 plus carbs. that ive pulled idle tubes come right out but you need to put a small paraelll under the dykes when pulling  them out. My procedure is just this. heat area up, lie a parall across body of carb. grab idle tube screw and slightly jurk up, come right out every time. Dykes same as wire cutters. lie them on parallel and jurk right up!!
Email me and will be glad to send you a picture if you like!!

Offline 231altered

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Re: idle tube removal
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2011, 10:42:13 AM »
May i suggest something, im no expert or claim to be but all 40 plus carbs. that ive pulled idle tubes come right out but you need to put a small paraelll under the dykes when pulling  them out. My procedure is just this. heat area up, lie a parall across body of carb. grab idle tube screw and slightly jurk up, come right out every time. Dykes same as wire cutters. lie them on parallel and jurk right up!!
Email me and will be glad to send you a picture if you like!!
do you know where the idle down channel is?