Author Topic: Idle tubes  (Read 4159 times)

Offline Schurkey

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Idle tubes
« on: February 13, 2009, 04:54:09 PM »
I have a few core carbs that I've used for "practice"; with reasonable success.  Pretty much all my tubes show evidence of the punch being just a bit too small--it's like the punch sinks into the end of the tube, leaving a very thin ring at the top.  I'm using a 3/32 punch.

Yanked out six idle tubes from junk carbs, then went to pull 'em out of my "good" carb.

Sure enough, when I try to extract the idle tubes on a carb I CARE about--I screw it up.

Pounded one tube too far in; the end is destroyed and the tube is bent. 


How interchangeable are these tubes?  I've got three pair of potential replacements; I can drill the hole in the bottom end to match--but they aren't all the same length.  Does a small difference in length make a difference in the way they work?  How "picky" are they in terms of getting the bottom end the right distance from the bottom of the hole they're installed in?  Does it make a difference if they're at different depths left-to-right?

My first guess is that they aren't picky at all, minor length variations don't make any difference.   But I'd like to hear that from you, rather than playing guessing games...

Press-fit is wonderful when you're putting stuff together nice 'n' new, in a clean factory.  Man, does it suck to deal with it thirty years later.  Maybe I should try popping idle tubes out with dynamite next time.
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Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Idle tubes
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 04:36:08 AM »
Any time the tubes and collars try to go down together, we stop, and drill the tube with a .093" drill bit.   Drill just deep enough to engage a screw to extract the collar and tube. 

No big deal if you shorten the tubes a bit, just make both sides the same length before driving them back in the casting.

We have new tubes if you need some?  We also make screw in idle tubes if the castings get damaged and will no longer effectively hold a pressed in tube, or for custom tuning.....Cliff

Offline j_oetjens

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Re: Idle tubes
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 07:56:24 PM »
We have new tubes if you need some?  We also make screw in idle tubes if the castings get damaged and will no longer effectively hold a pressed in tube, or for custom tuning.....Cliff

i did not find the screw in idle tubes on your web page do you still sell them

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Idle tubes
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 04:43:28 PM »
Yes, there are quite a few items not listed on the website.  We have just about every single part for the Q-jet, and it we don't we can usually make it.....Cliff