Have you replaced that PCV valve? (I would block that off for now, just plug the hose for now). The reason I am saying is because you said that when you did this before, you had 15 inches of vacuum.
I would also bump the timing up to 15 or 18. You should able to get it to idle with the 15 inches of vacuum. and the timing at 15. Im really thinkin now that this maight be the problem (the pcv). It will idle its just a matter of the timing and the mixture. Those are the only 2 things. Dont forget, that vacuum gauge can be used as a tool to figure out where the initial timing wants to be set at. since the most efficient burn ( timing and mixture again) will cause the highest vacuum reading, this is why the vacuum gauge is one of the best tools for determining where everything needs to be set at because the timing and the mixture quality will both effect the vacuum reading. keep experimenting with the timing and the mixture and watch the vacuum gauge. Of course, you can go too far with the initial timing and cause the engine to not start up easy with the starter and maybe have some pinging while driving, in that case yull need to back off the timing a bit. with the pcv, its possibe that it is not operating correctly with the cam that you have (because of the pulses of the vacuum or not enough vac etc.) You may end up with a higher idle rpm also just to get it to idle but not excessive amount extra I would not think. It shoukd idle with the .039 and the .059 idle system. Dont get too frustrated and do not give up. (my .02)