Author Topic: Accuracy of "sizing" carb passages  (Read 4030 times)

Offline Schurkey

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Accuracy of "sizing" carb passages
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:51:12 AM »
When using a number drill bit to determine the size of a carb passage; how close do exact size you need to be?

The number drill bits go up--or down--in size by several thousandths; there's any number of passages in my carb where one drill bit fits loosely; and the next size up won't go in at all.

Basically, I'm using the number bits as go/no go gauges.

Is that close enough; or should I be trying to figure out how to measure within a thousandth instead of several thousandths?
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Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Re: Accuracy of "sizing" carb passages
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 08:27:54 AM »
With small gaps between drill sizes, sometimes you will only get a good idea as to the size, and not the exact size.

In our book we tried to reference drill bit sizes as found in the 1-60 and 61-80 standard indexes.  We also give a range for some recomended holes sizes, so those drill bit sets could be used for custom modifications/tuning.....Cliff