I think at this moment I can almost rebuild a E4ME carb with my eyes closed.
I have a simple problem, know the answer but maybe there are more options then one.
When at a constant speed for some time I press the throttle the first second nothing happens (a hessitation) and after that the engine starts building power. I think I didn't put a good enough new seat below the acc. pump checkerball so now fuel is draining back to the fuel bowl when not using the acc pump for some time. When then using the pump first some air is entering the carb and after that the fuel that is climbing up from the checkerball.
But maybe there're more options for this problem?
Also after some open throttle seconds the engine is still getting a rich mixture. Normally the ECM will controlls the mixture and at WOT the ECM puts out a full rich signal. After the open throttle the ECM should resume it's job but how the rich mixture returns to normal after a few minutes. To me it sounds like a ECM problem but I was hoping to hear more options

Greetings Peter
Greetings Peter