Author Topic: My rebuilt 84 E4ME, your baseplate. Why not return to idle, only when running?  (Read 4069 times)

Offline emarkay

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It's the eBay carb someone sawed off the TV cable end.
You found me a replacement baseplate, and I finally got around to installing it on my car.

The car will not return to idle, staying at about 1400RPM and lower. As you can see in the video linked below, it is sticking only when the engine is running.  Off, it returns fine - and I even have a second return spring installed. I checked all the linkages and they have slack.

How much play should there be in the throttle shaft? I noticed a little bit; and occasionally a bit of fuel weeps on the choke side if I pump the throttle, engine off.

What do you suggest to do to diagnose and correct this?

Thanks again

Offline emarkay

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The only thing I notice among the 3 baseplates I have here is that the secondary linkage on the throttle side, the one that is not shown anywhere for adjustments, allows more secondary opening than the others. 

Pushing back towards rear of car, the spring loaded vertical arm on the secondary shaft, with the primary throttle linkage held closed moves about a tenth of an inch. The idle screw is set lower than normal now, and the tab is touching the screw, linkages disconnected, and choke is open on the carb in question.

On the other two it does not move at all.

Now if I crack the throttle blades on the other two, I can get those to have that same gap. This seems to indicate  the linkage is messed up - but I have no specs or adjustments for this part.

On these carbs, is the lower idle limit fixed?  If I back out the idle adjust screw so there's a space between it and the tab, the idle goes no lower that about 500 - I can not get to to slow and stall.
Still looking, but does anyone else on the board have an idea too?

Offline emarkay

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OK, I need to call Cliff - I found that a full stroke on the throttle, engine off, gets a drip of gasoline from the throttle shaft area under the choke...

Offline emarkay

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Left a message, but here's what I think is the problem:

Offline Cliff Ruggles

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Got the baseplate in yesterday.  The linkage was bent going back to the secondaries.  There must be some clearance between the link and lever, which there wasn't.  This puts slight pressure on the secondary throttle shaft, holding the plates open until you manually push on the primary shaft and allow them to close.

The outer spring was also bent.

We installed bushings while it was here, and bent the spring and arm back into position, good to go.....Cliff

Offline emarkay

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Thanks, got it today. 

But as  I asked, since you had originally sold me a defective part, to kindly include a baseplace gasket and a manifold gasket, as I don't like reusing gaskets. I did not see those included. 

Can you get those out to me ASAP?


Offline Cliff Ruggles

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We don't stock indivual gaskets for electronic carburetors, only complete kits.

The part was not defective.  There were tool marks on the secondary linkage and it was bent enough to hold the secondaries partially open at idle.

We went ahead and installed primary shaft bushings into the throttle body, even though that wasn't the problem.  The linkage and spring were bent back into position, and it worked fine.....Cliff

Offline emarkay

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Not Defective?

Remember, you sold it to me in the condition it was received.  All I did was to bolt it onto my carb and then to the car.  I don't have any fixtures to do any bending.  All I would have grabbed with a a pair of pliers was the shaft to connect it to the accelerator pump. Had you sold me a baseplate that was not defective, (you can see the YouTube video yourself), with worn and leaky throttle shaft bushings, as well as these unknown-who-bent-them linkages, I'd have this Quadrajet on the road now.

Come on, Cliff...

Again, I know you are busy, but I hope you will see that that you sold me a part that was "out of your box" unusable, for a significant not-junk-part price of about $40.00, and grab me a couple of gaskets and stick them in an envelope.



Offline Cliff Ruggles

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We charge $45 to rebuild a throttle body, PLUS the cost of the part.  You just got a $45 service because the linkage between the primary and secondaries were bent.  I didn't bend those parts here, and it did NOT leave here like that the first time.  The linkage had tool marks on it, and was holding the secondaries open slightly at idle.  I fixed the problem and provided a $45 service to make sure you didn't have any further issues with it.  You didn't buy any other parts from us according to my records, and we don't stock those gaskets separately from complete kits.....sorry.....Cliff