Author Topic: 7028264 correct jets, rods, hanger and secondary rods  (Read 3113 times)

Offline Frank400

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7028264 correct jets, rods, hanger and secondary rods
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:42:53 AM »
about 10 years ago, I took apart a 7028264 that was the oem carb in my 1968 Firebird 400 TH400.  I'm now putting it back together and would like to know what size jets, primary rods, hanger and secondary rods.  I know I may not end up with the original combination of jets and rods in the end, but knowing what is the original set up would make my day !  I have a pair of BF secondary rods lying around and I'm pretty sure they are from that carb.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Frank.

Offline billy 2

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Re: 7028264 correct jets, rods, hanger and secondary rods
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 03:47:08 PM »
7028264  Jets  73
               Rods 42
Hanger    I think the part number is 7034522 I dont have any books that gives a letter. Maybe someone   
                else might be able to help with that.
Secondary Rods  Part number 704377  (BE) The BF rods was used in  the 1968 w/ a.i.r.(smog pumps)          billy 2