1977 olds cutlass. Bone stock 350 with q-jet 4bbl and regular not divourced heat activated choke. This carb & choke was working excellent on a daily driver and I took it off the motor about two weeks ago to do a timing chain. so it has been sitting for two weeks un-touched. The only thing I did to the carb while it was off the engine was spray 2 cans of carb cleaner all over it to clean it up a bit, Then I blew it off with air. I replaced tha base gasket and put a new choke gasket on it. Now, it runs fine, but the choke housing will not draw in hot air to open the choke. Both stove pipes are brand new with no leaks and the motor is heating up fine. I pulled apart the the choke assembly and verified that the housing is not blocked and no linkage is binding. The choke coil has been verified to work fine (I checked it with a heat gun and withing a millisecond it starts to open). Any Ideas Why the the choke housing would not be drawing in warm air?? I didnt want to convert to elec choke beacause when the reguar heat choke was working, It worked really well.
thanks for any help
P.S. I read the book and it doesnt go really deep into what orafaces are responsible for choke housing vacuum. Good read though