The pull off will lose vacuum when the engine goes into high load (aggressive throttle/WOT, triggering the secondaries will likely cause this to happen).
You should measure the retraction time of the pull off and get it to 3 sec or faster (cliff's book has guidelines depending on the build you're going for.)
To do this, retract the pull off arm manually and cap the vacuum port on it with your finger. Let go and time the time it takes to fully retract.
The next step is to get the air valve tension set up correctly. I believe 3/4-7/8 turn past the point the spring engages the rod is a decent starting point.
It's not so much RPM as it is load, CFM demand. A 454 would likely open the secondaries up sooner than a 350, given equal "temperament".
Good luck, I'm a newb so my advice probably isn't great!