I rebuilt my 76 Q-Jet by Cliffs recipe #2 2 or 3 years ago, the carb seems top work fine and cruises nice, secondaries work perfectly etc. but it just runs very rich all the time. Especially noticible at idle; it'll stink up the garage and clothes. In order to get it to idle smooth I have to back out the air mixture screws and when I do the I run out of Idle adjustment and can't get the idle below about 900 rpm.
Motor is a 350 with hydraulic roller 222/230 duration 509.528 lift 112 deg L/C
From my notebook when I modified the carb here are the modifications:
Cliff installed new bushings and main throttle shaft
Installed Air Bleed screws in Air Horn and Main Body, drilled to .070
New Idle Tubes drilled to .038
Acc pump discharge holes .040
Idle ByPass Air .095
Mixture Screw holes .097
Idle down channel .058
Main Jets 72
I had 40K rods in it but after talking to Cliff once he recommented we change them but I can't remember what we ended up with. The motor had the same condition with either set.
I'll pull the top off and look at the rods but just trying to get some idea on where the best place to look.