I ship to Canada and overseas daily. Matter of fact filling a large order to Australia today.
Best to contact me directly at cliffshp@embarqmail.com
Provide a shipping address, good phone number for Customs, and a list of what you need.
I'll put the order together and get a total with shipping.
Most orders from 8 ounces to 2 pounds ship for around $25-35 US.
It's a lot more cost effective to buy a kit vs individual pieces. The complete kit with everything in it, including the float, filter/spring, cam/spring, complete lifetime warranty accl pump, high flow N/S assembly, gaskets and small parts is only $54.95.
A float, N/S and filter is $33, so for just over $20 you can get all of it, plus my gaskets are far superior to what shows up in other rebuild kits.
I take Pay Pal for payment, also Visa, MC or Discover...tks...Cliff