problem solved, I did not find any binding or sticking.
for whatever reason the secondary throttle plates sometimes didn't open , or should I say reopen after a fast unload and reload. what i did was to remove the outer spring on the secondary shaft and drill through the spring holder and throttle shaft. I then tapped this for a 6-32 screw, inserted the screw and left the spring off. they now open all the time as the nice officer politely let me know. Yeah I took the car out and pulled a classic idiot move, sitting at the red light I did not look behind me before I took off. Three gears worth off rubber later and stopping at the next light I heard the blipping siren, I adjusted my mirror to look behind me and lo and behold.... Well he was a nice guy, he expained that it was the end of his shift and that I would be the last car he would ever pull over becuase he will be starting as a detective on monday morning. I congratulated him .He ran me through the system, gave me a verbal warning, and complimented my on my "obviously powerful car that I was having fun with"
Anyways, thank you Cliff