I'm trouble shooting a stumble on my newly rebuilt Qjet (rebuilt with Cliff's kit) and, of course, there are lots of threads on this but I seem to be having a symptom that nobody else mentions, detonation. When I floor it it'll immediately stumble badly and then I'll get detonation in the stumble. The stumble isn't momentary, it'll continue until I back off on the throttle a bit at which time the stumble will clear and the pinging will stop. If I ease the throttle in to full WOT the engine accelerates well with no detonation.
I've replaced the air valve spring and cam in the rebuild and tightened the spring to 3/4 turn (Cliff's recipe calls for 1/2 to 3/4 turn). The air valve shows works freely with no signs of any sticking. Vacuum pull off is pretty slow, about 2 to 3 seconds, and according to the recipe I should be able to shorten that time up but I'm not going to do that until I solve the stumble. Vacuum advance is plugged for now and full cent advance is set at 26Deg (same as it was before the rebuild).
I'm going to go ahead and tighten the spring some more but I'm curious if the pinging is a sign that this isn't related as much to the air valve opening speed but perhaps to a secondary fuel circuit issue, either POE, rod size (they're 44) or hangar (J) creating a very lean condition. BUT, I did not have this problem before the rebuild and didn't change any of that except plugging the tiny holes adjacent to the POE tubes per Cliff's recommendation. I also increased the size of the fuel inlet (.135) and put in a new needle and float which is set to 1/4 inch. There were a few other modifications to the idle circuit but, as I said nothing else to the secondary. Any ideas?