Had a chance to work on this tonight.
I opened up the mixture screws to .092 They were .059.
Also opened up the the idle down channel to .058
Really improved the idle quality. Now has steady vacuum of 16" at 800 rpm. Can turn idle screw all the way out and still idles at 450 rpm.
Still have a few questions. I can screw the mixture screws all the way in and it still will run. They do have a slight effect but even with the throttle blades closed I would think it would stall out but it doesn't.
Also, if I remove a vacuum line the idle will speed up now. Maybe this is normal?
I also think I may need to put bushings in the base plate for the throttle shaft. I sprayed some carb cleaner there and it definitely made the idle even smoother.
Making progress on this has been very encouraging. I was amazed at the difference it made just opening up the idle circuits.