Author Topic: 17085220 parts/gaskets.  (Read 1145 times)

Offline Pale Rider

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17085220 parts/gaskets.
« on: January 26, 2023, 11:19:11 AM »
Hello Cliff, this was our last conversation regarding this carburetor>,4521.0.html

Since then the fuel volume issue has been corrected, 130gph pump and regulator, Autometer Marine fuel pressure gauge to monitor at all times.
OK, This Carb has little run time since then, it was taken off and emptied, then put on the shelf. What type of kit or parts would you recommend and put together to simply open this and check inside and clean in the event E10 fuels or if there is any trash in the carb.
ei: top gasket, base to body gasket, the correct marine accel pump or seal, fuel filter etc.
Im not planning on removing any jets or small parts as I dont think its gunked up.

This ran well after we sorted the fuel system.
Thank You.

Offline Pale Rider

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Re: 17085220 parts/gaskets.
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2023, 11:01:56 AM »
found the form to fill out and submitted, thank you.