Author Topic: Vinegar as carb cleaner?  (Read 7070 times)

Offline slicer87

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Vinegar as carb cleaner?
« on: March 16, 2011, 08:15:03 PM »
 A while ago, I read that soaking a carb in boiling vinegar cleans it better than soaking them in a pail of carb cleaner. That vinegar removes gunk from even the hard to reach areas that carb cleaner doesn't remove. Anyone know if there any truth to this?  ???

Offline Schurkey

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Re: Vinegar as carb cleaner?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 10:51:04 AM »
A while ago, I read that soaking a carb in boiling vinegar cleans it better than soaking them in a pail of carb cleaner. That vinegar removes gunk from even the hard to reach areas that carb cleaner doesn't remove. Anyone know if there any truth to this?  ???
Vinegar is a mild acid, I'm not convinced that acid-dipping a carb is the best plan.

I suppose you could try it and see what happens.  Might work very well.
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Offline Toronado

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Re: Vinegar as carb cleaner?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 03:48:26 PM »
Acid makes me think pitting in the led mixture metal the carb is made of,
inless your pickling your carb use carb cleaner its designed for the carbs metal
composite, its 20$ a gallon and lasts forever just gets more dirty,
mines black from so many cleanings done several carb for me and friends.

Offline Toronado

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Re: Vinegar as carb cleaner?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 03:51:48 PM »
I heard the correct app. is for cast iron and steel for
the use of cleaning off grease with vinegar, not aluminum or led base.
Its smelly though and must be rinsed off, no vaporisation.