What are you trying to do with it? Stock application or something else?
All of the later Caddy units are pretty close for calibration and used small MAB's and large CFM castings.
They make excellent HP carburetors, just need a little help in a few areas.
I have every single part available for them including the most complete/correct rebuild kits in this industry.......
Hi Cliff,
Thanks for getting back to me. I'd like to use this on a SBC 350, but I don't know what parameters to use to make it work.
Another issue is that it has the wrong base plate on it, it's the later version using the 3 mounting screws and has a cracked mounting ear on the back.
I have the correct style base with .050" bypass passages and .055" mixture screw holes, but I don't know if this is enough or too big for what I want. I suspect it's not big enough, but can be modified.
Something else that I'm not sure would affect this is this carburetor has the primary pull-over enrichment system on it. Will this be a problem, and if so, can you remove the tubes to disable that part of it?
And lastly, since the base needs replaced, which secondary actuation lever length should I use, the more common short one, the medium one, or the longer one?
I noticed these different sizes recently and I don't know what the purpose is. The longest one allows the primaries to open farther before the secondaries begin to operate, and the only thing I can think of as to why is to allow you to stay out of the secondaries for better mileage.
Would you recommend having your secondaries open sooner or later if you are going to use the carb on a vehicle for towing?
I will need a kit for this too if you think it will work for what I want to use it for. Do you need any other information or was this enough?
Thanks for your help, Rick