« Last post by Jeff K on March 27, 2025, 07:09:29 AM »
Back in the early seventies, I picked up a 64 Pontiac Grand Prix. It had a factory 421 4 bbl (real Carter AFB) with a Roto Hydromatic (Slim Jim).
The Slim Jim transmission had no stator / torque converter. L was a vertiable ratio 3.03:1 range. Then when it shifted into S (1.58 ratio), it would couple hard with allmost zero slippage. D range was 1:1 and also coupled hard with all most zero slippage.
The transmission worked well when it felt like it, looking back I think it was tempature sensitive. One time I stayed side by side with a brand new Kawasaki Crazy KZ motor cycle. Don't get my wrong, he beat me but he couldn't loose me..
The only car I can remember from the sixties, that used Ported Spark advance, was was Roto Hydramatic (Slim Jim) equiped 61 to 64 B body Pontiacs with the Trophy Series 389 and 421 engines. If you look at the front, bottom, left corner of the Carter AFB equiped Trophy motors, they had a vacuum outlet for the vacuum advance.
I don't remember if the Tri Power versions came with this feature.
I know the 1958 to 64, four speed Super Hydramatic equiped Bonnevilles and Star Chiefs came with regular manifold vacuum advances. Note that the 4 speed Super Hydramatic transmissions were light years stronger and better performers than the Roto Hydramatics...